Ocasio Cortez Dummy 9,7/10 9126 reviews

Brace yourself: AOC and Hillary Clinton have joined forces on Twitter to create a clapback so powerful that you may need to take some deep breaths to compose yourself.

It went down on Thursday night, when Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted a very straightforward 'But his WhatsApp,' after it was alleged that Jared Kushner had been communicating with foreign officials using WhatsApp.

But his WhatsApp https://t.co/kLO3ZHvdbO

  • Ocasio-Cortez responded to one of the videos, referring to the Trump supporters as “chumps.” She never once criticized Antifa or Black Lives Matter. That’s because she is one with them. That’s a comment that could get me censored by FB or Twitter, but I’m right.
  • After a few moments of silence, Siri responded, “Would you like me to search the web for ‘Why is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez such a dummy?’” “THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT I DON’T WANT YOU TO DO, SIRI!” Ocasio-Cortez screamed, and then lunged forward and knocked the iPhone off the table in a moment of rage.

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez attacked “homeowners” saying that they are hurting people that can’t afford to own land. Her rant comes as the crooked congresswoman Rep. Ilhan Omar proposed a bill that would strip property owners of their property if the federal government deems it necessary. The attorney for Garrett Miller, a rioter who threatened Rep. Ocasio-Cortez, says his client was following the instructions of Pres. You have a cult leader telling him he needs to do XYZ to.

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) March 22, 2019

Ocasio cortez dummy meaning

Kushner's behavior is obviously problematic on any number of levels, not least of which is that his father-in-law, President Donald Trump, ran his campaign against Hillary Clinton almost exclusively on the charge that she'd used a private email server while she was secretary of state. Lock her up, etc.

AOC's tweet was a twist on the well-worn 'But her emails' meme, which pops up on political Twitter every time the Trump administration does something shady.

So it was especially potent when Hillary herself replied to AOC's tweet with a succinctly satisfying, 'Tell me about it.'

Ocasio Cortez Dummy Meaning

Tell me about it.

Ocasio Cortez Dummy Meaning

— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) March 22, 2019

That's the stuff.

Hillary is no dummy and no doubt knew this was exactly the kind of thing that AOC's sizable social media fanbase would go wild over. And, of course, AOC had the reaction that pretty much all of us had, which was to freak out in a reply tweet to Hill.


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— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) March 22, 2019

We can only hope that this exchange is the beginning of a long-lasting friendship between to the two Democratic icons — and that they exclusively communicate using the encrypted messaging app Signal so that none of us ever have to hear about it again.