Occasional Hematuria 7,5/10 6937 reviews

When we see blood, the tendency is to panic. To be sure, blood in the urine, also known as hematuria, is not normal; however, it should be evaluated by a qualified urologist before drawing any conclusions as to its cause. Indeed, blood in the urine is not an uncommon sight in older males and is associated with many and varied conditions.

Gross hematuria with no infections

Hematuria is actually a common side-effect of untreated BPH or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Since the prostate is directly involved in the urinary tract, it is no surprise that any leakage of blood related to this enlargement would be expelled through the urethra. Blood is a common cause for trips to the urologist and often leads to the diagnosis of BPH. While BPH is a benign condition, it should be evaluated and treated by a urologist promptly to avoid more significant symptoms. Should the blood not be caused by BPH, there are many other possible causes – both benign and malignant – which can include:

Many men older than 50 have occasional hematuria due to an enlarged prostate gland. Hematuria: Is never good. This could be anything from a renal stone, tuberculosis, cancer, and so on. You should be seen asap by a urologist and thoroughly eva. A painless hematuria may be caused by various health conditions such as cancers. The blood may come from the kidneys or the collecting system. When a visible blood in the urine is seen, it may be a sign of. Hematuria is the presence of blood in the urine. If your child has blood in her urine, it can go away on its own, or it might be the only symptom of a problem that a doctor needs to check. What are the signs.

  • Kidney problems. Kidney infections and kidney stones can be a contributing cause of blood in the urine. While kidneys are the workhorses of our urinary systems, they are also sensitive to changes in our bodies, especially as they relate to the urinary tract. Kidney problems should be diagnosed and treated before any ill-effects become permanent. Much like other organs in our bodies, the kidneys are also susceptible to malignancy or cancer which, especially in its advanced stages, can cause hematuria.
  • Bladder problems. Another significant component of the urinary tract, the bladder can become infected causing blood in the urine. Known as a Urinary Tract Infection or UTI, a common cause of this infection is blockage leading to a backup of urine in the bladder (urinary retention). Bladder stones and bladder cancer are also causes of blood in the urine. Many bladder issues are themselves a symptom of an underlying condition such as BPH and therefore should be treated quickly to avoid long-term complications.
  • Other Causes. There are many other possible causes of blood in the urine including injury to any component of the urinary tract – from sports to car accidents and the after-effects of some surgeries. Some medications may also cause a discoloration of urine or allow blood to enter the urine. Finally, certain foods can tint the urine red, however this is usually obvious, as the coloration is quite different from actual blood in the urine.

Seeing blood in your urine is no reason for panic, however it is something that should be evaluated by a qualified urologist as soon as possible. If blood in the urine is significant or accompanied by other symptoms and signs of a medical emergency, it is important to contact 911 immediately. For hematuria caused by BPH, speaking to a specialized urologist can determine the best course of action.

Hematuria refers to the presence of blood in one’s urine. Finding blood in your urine after catheter insertion is a common complication of intermittent catheterization.

Although intermittent catheterization has its side-effect, it still gives users a wide range of benefits such as increased independence and lower rates of infections compared to indwelling catheters.

To reap the benefits and avoid the downsides of intermittent catheterization, read on to find out what is hematuria and how to prevent it.

Hematuria definition

Hematuria is medically defined as the presence of blood in urine. There are two types of hematuria, gross hematuria and microscopic hematuria. With gross hematuria, you can see blood in your urine. With microscopic hematuria, blood can only be detected under a microscope.

Signs of hematuria include urine that has a pink, red, or dark appearance, urine with red specks in it, or urine containing visible blood clots.

What causes blood in urine?

There are a variety of potential causes for hematuria, some of them are:

  • UTIs: infection of the urethra, bladder, kidneys, or prostate
  • urinary tract trauma
  • sexual activity
  • vigorous exercise
  • virus infection, such as hepatitis, which causes the inflammation of the liver
  • endometriosis—a painful condition in women where tissues that normally lines the uterus grows to the bladder and surrounding organs.

Some of the more serious causes of hematuria are

  • bladder or kidney cancer
  • bladder, kidneys, and/or prostate inflammation
  • blood-clotting disorders like hemophilia that make people bleed excessively from small injuries
  • sickle cell disease—a genetic disease that distorts people’s red blood cells into sickle, crescent shapes
  • polycystic kidney disease—a genetic disorder in which fluid-filled cysts grow on a person’s kidneys

If you only find blood in urine after using intermittent catheters, your hematuria is likely due to urethral trauma caused by catheter insertion.

Catheter-associated UTIs are another potential cause of hematuria. Bloody urine is one indication of a UTI, watch out for other sings like cloudy, foul-smelling urine, pain and burning during urination, fever, nausea and vomiting, chills, lower back pain, flank pain.

If you are experiencing frequent UTIs with your current catheter, give these catheters a try—they are touch-free, which decreases the chance of catheter contamination, and they are the only catheters on the market pre-lubricated with anti-bacterial silicone oil.

Occasional Microscopic Hematuria

Why is there blood in my urine after catheter insertion?

Blood can be found in the urine for a variety of reasons including UTIs and urethral trauma and irritations. The urethra is a sensitive part of the body that is generally unexposed to foreign objects. Friction from the catheters can lead to abrasions and small tears throughout the urethra that results in bleeding.

Hydrophilic catheters are a type of catheter that becomes extremely smooth and slippery once they come into contact with water. This is because hydrophilic catheters have a special coating that binds water onto the catheter, greatly reducing friction, and thus potentially reducing friction-related catheterization injuries.

You can give hydrophilic catheters a try by clicking the button below if your hematuria is caused by catheter friction, but please consult your doctor first on the cause of your hematuria and on what’s the right course of action for you.

While occasional blood in the urine can occur with catheter use – it is important to always discuss your experience with your doctor to determine if there is an underlying medical condition that they should be aware of.

Isolated Hematuria

Can I prevent hematuria?

Hematuria occurrence in beginner catheter users is common. Often, those who are just starting out can cause frequent irritation to their urethra because they are still mastering catheterization techniques or they haven’t found the best catheter for their body.

Some catheters are stiffer, which makes them easier to insert but harsher on the urethra. Some catheters are softer which makes them gentle but hard to insert. For some people, they find that pre-lubricated catheters are more gentle than dry catheters lubricated with K-Y jelly. Everyone’s body and preferences are different.

As you find the right catheter for yourself and your catheterization technique improves, hematuria should happen less and less frequently.

Self-catheterization is a relatively safe process. Using an adequate amount of lubrication, practicing proper techniques, and understanding the basics of catheter hygiene can all help to prevent hematuria or other complications.

Hematuria Without Rbc In Urine

It is important to be aware of warning signs of other underlying medical conditions. Promptly consult a physician if you notice heavy bleeding, blood clots, pain (urethral, lower back, flank), fever, or extreme resistance when inserting a catheter.

Get Free Samples of CompactCath to See If They’re Right for You!

CompactCath is a company that produces portable, pocket-sized, touch-free intermittent catheters that are pre-lubricated with anti-bacterial silicone oil. Their discreet designs make them fit seamlessly in your life.

Occasional Hematuria

CompactCath is designed by a team of physicians, mechanical engineers, and MBAs from Stanford d.school. It is FDA-cleared in 2014, won two iF product design awards (2016, 2017), was covered by CNN Money, holds six patents, and won the BioDesign Spectrum grant and the LPCH Pediatric Innovation grant.