Y T Shoulder Exercises 9,1/10 4009 reviews
Y T Shoulder Exercises

I Y T Shoulder Exercises


Swiss ball shoulder exercises. This is a plyometric exercise which challenges shoulder stability and the muscles of the upper extremity due to the shoulder having to provide stability. The athlete positions themselves on the ball at the hips and places the hands on the wobble board. The athlete attempts to maintain balance whilst moving the arms.

Can you explain the prone T, Y, and L exercises?

Y T Shoulder Exercises


Prone Ts, Ys, and Ls are versions of a scapular stabilization exercises. Picture a patient lying prone and horizontally abducting their shoulder with their thumb pointed toward the ceiling so that when they are in the final position, or the midpoint position of the exercise, their body is in the shape of a T. In this position, they will attempt to squeeze their shoulder blades together. That would be the prone T exercise. In the Y exercise, instead of bringing their shoulders straight out to the side in horizontal abduction, it is more of a flexion horizontal abduction position. Their arm is about 45 degrees from horizontal. That would be a Y. When they finished that position, their body will be in the shape of a Y with their two arms extended. The L is a prone external rotation strengthening exercise where instead of performing in side-lying or with a cable, the client is in prone. There is an article in JOSPT in 2008 which is a case series by Tate. It has a good description of the home exercises that I use for the shoulder. It is good to use if you do not already have a shoulder handout.

Marko advises starting with exercises that move your shoulder through full ranges of motion, such as the I-Y-T shoulder raise and the 90/90 external rotation. Skip the weights and use only your body weight to evaluate how your shoulder feels and the amount of movement you can perform safely and without pain. Looking for a new shoulder exercise to add to your routine? Try this challenging Y, T & I exercise. You will see this in most of our exercise plans on shoulder day. Get ready to lower your weight substantially for this one! Let us be your personal trainers with our detailed 4, 6 and 12-week She Sweats Workout plans! We guide your workout each.

Shoulder Y T W L


Tate AR, Mcclure PW, Young IA, Salvatori R, Michener LA. Comprehensive Impairment-Based Exercise and Manual Therapy Intervention for Patients with Subacromial Impingement Syndrome: A Case Series. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. 2008;40(8):474-493.

T's And Y's Exercise

  • Physioball Shoulder Stability Circuit (Y, T, W, L) Y. Lie with stomach on physioball. Sets/Reps: Begin with 32 total reps (8 each exercise) and work up to 72 total reps.
  • This shoulder blade exercise can be done either standing, as shown in the YTW video, or prone on the ground, facing down. Scapular retraction and shoulder retraction exercises should be done slowly, and in a focused, deliberate manner. Do not rush through the YTW exercises, take your time with them.