Plotz Generator
Story Generator Create a short story Want to write a customised short story really quickly? Choose a style, opening and type of ending, name your character, choose a few adjectives and we write a story for you.
Minecraft Giant Snowman Generator. Create a giant snowman. Simply select the body size and let Plotz calculate the head, hat and nose size for you. The older Plotz version can be found here. Welcome to the new Plotz. Plotz, Gent, Belgium. 182 likes 8 were here. Minecraft Sphere Generator Create perfect hollow spheres using Plotz, the HTML5 modeller for Minecraft. Plotz can model spheres up to 256 blocks diameter. If you are building a sphere using Plotz, this help page will give you all the information you need, Find this Pin and more on Generatorsby eGarden Tools. Start Plotz Torus Generator by selecting the torus model from the Plotz model menu or launching from the link above. A default torus model be shown on screen. Resize your browser window or enter full screen mode if required. Plotz will resize to make use of the full screen.
Welcome to Plotz, the FREE HTML5 Modeller for Minecraft. Generate Spheres, Ellipsoids, Torus and more in your web browser.Launch Plotz Modeller for Minecraft by selecting the object you want to model below. Read further information about models and troubleshooting below.
Please link ONLY to this page, not model pages.
Minecraft Sphere Generator
Model hollow spheres of up to 256 blocks in diameter. 2D view includes counts of edge blocks on curves making building easier.
Minecraft Ellipsoid Generator
Model ellpsoids with varying height, depth and width of up to 256 blocks diameter. 2D view has edge counts on curves in the top/left quadrant.
Minecraft Torus Generator
Model torus or doughtnut objects. 2D view has inner and outer edge counts saving you counting blocks when building. Model with varying overall diameterand thickness of the torus shape. Torus diameter goes up to 256 blocks! Thickness is limited to a maximum of 1/2 the diameter.
Minecraft Ellipse Generator
Create ellipses of varying width and depth up to 256 blocks. A handy tool for curves and arcs to use in models such as curved walls and enclosures or the curve of a suspension bridge span.
Minecraft Observatory Generator
Create an observatory model with open viewing doors and inner platform. Base diameter can be up to 128 blocks. Add your own inside detail, doors and furnishings as required.
Minecraft Wizard Tower Generator
Easily model stunning Wizard towers with pointy roofs. Angle, number of floors and so height of tower are all adjustable up to 128 blocks height. Additionally add a side tower and set its height.
Minecraft Lighthouse Generator
Model a lighthouse with chosen diameter, wall angle and height. This model includes where to place glass in the top section. You can easily add acircuit to produce a rotating light.
Minecraft Giant Snowman Generator
Create a giant snowman. Simply select the body size and let Plotz calculate the head, hat and nose size for you.
The older Plotz version can be found here
Welcome to the new Plotz, written using HTML5 features and Javascript. It has been designed to work with touch screens and mobile devices supportingorientation change. I hope you enjoy using it trouble free. However with my limited time its hard to account for all possibilities. Its new and there maywell be bugs. Please read the notes below if you're experiencing any problems.
You can find the old Plotz modeller here. Please complete any models you started with the older Plotz using thatversion as the newer Plotz does not create the exact same models block for block.
Ensure your web browser is up to date. I suggest using Chrome, Firefox or Safari web browsers.
A failure to render, especially on low end or mobile devices could be lack of memory. In this case I suggest you close any other windows or apps,reload the page, and if the model includes the 'precision' setting, use a low value. Larger models use more memory.
Working on the iPad or tablet device? Try maximising the time your device takes before powering off and reduce screen brightness to save batterylife.
The current version of Plotz does not print. If you require a printout of schematics use the old Plotz.
Plotz works on iPhone only as its written on HTML5 and Javascript standards. Its not very useful on such a small screen however.
I wrote Plotz online voxel sphere generator to help people build hollow spheres made out of blocks in Minecraft. Using Plotz you can select the size of the sphere you want to build and see it on screen. You can then print out a schematic or use Plotz's on-screen step facility to see how the sphere is built layer by layer.
Start by visiting Plotz and follow the 'Take me to Plotz' link. Initially Plotz shows a 32 block high sphere. I'd recommend starting this size or smaller. This size took me a day to make (In Real Life) although I did mine all the materials myself. Use the arrows either side of the size to step up or down 1 block in size or type in a new size between 1 and 64 and hit enter to change it. Be patient if your machine is slow while Plotz generates and renders the sphere. Once you're happy with the size of sphere you want to build you can either print out a schematic OR work on screen.
If printing, hit the print button. Plotz will preview the schematic on screen. The various print options are well explained and mostly relate to saving paper. The ghost layer is by far the most useful option and is turned on as default. This makes sure you can see how each layer is positioned relative to the layer below. Adjust your options if required and then click Print. Choose your printer, set and printer specific options, start printing and make a coffee.
You might also consider printing to a file such as a PDF file. I've heard CUTE PDF is good for this but haven't used it myself. Printing to a file will allow you to bring the schematic up on-screen. This is especially useful if you have multiple monitors.
If you don't have a printer, don't despair. I actually found working on screen and stepping through the layers of my sphere very easy. Start by entering 1 in 'show up to layer'. Now use the arrow buttons either side of that value to step through the layers. The gold highlight clearly shows the current layer. Switch between Plotz and Minecraft while building using your OS hotkeys (alt+tab for windows).
6 layers in with
dirt 'joining' blocks front left
Close to finished and
in the clouds
Make sure there is enough room to build your sphere. I put down dirt 'posts' to mark out the width and height where I wanted to build. This way I made sure I wasn't going to end up having to dig out any mountains or cliffs that might be in the way. Also, remember that from ground level to the top of the sky is 64 blocks. Don't leave yourself short of space to finish your sphere.
Starting from the ground up is a no-brainer choice. Where there are no overlapping blocks between one layer and another, just use dirt blocks as 'joiners' and remove them later. I also used dirt with ladders for scaffolding as well as ladders. Always enter (and exit) from the top in case there are any creepers about and light up the inside with torches to stop skeletons and zombies spawning inside at night.
When building a layer I found it easiest to remember the stepping around the edge of 1/8th of the circle as a series of numbers in my head. Even when I built a 48 size sphere I never had to remember more then 4 or 5 numbers. Build each eigth towards another to make quarters. When they meet at the correct place you can be confident there's no mistakes. Before you know it, that layer is finished and you're on to the next.
I hope you find Plotz useful and please leave feedback here on my blog with any comments you have!
Dirt and ladders
The finished sphere with
fancy end caps
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btw LOVE the modern house kevblog. i may actually try something like that later today.
A nice tweak to the sphere tool would be to allow the user to remove the bottom, so has to produce a dome (currently half the sphere can be shown, but only by taking the top away, not the bottom).
1.) The total block count is good, but how about showing the blocks on the current highlighted level? This would help in resource and inventory planning.
2.) Perhaps mousing over a yellow block could provide relative (x,z) coordinates? On an odd diameter, the center would be (0,0), but with an even diameter, the logical center would probably need to be (1,1)(1,-1)(-1,1)(-1,-1).
Keep up the great work!
anyway.. thanx for thsi wonderful tool
also, RADIUS (as an addition or replacement) would be really nice get layouts that accomodate certain chest/door placement configurations.
Plotz Oval Generator
Plotz Generator
Thanks so much.
Plot Generator Dnd
as regards the sphere, thanks for thinking of revisiting that when you are ready too - no pressure..! ;)
Plotz Sphere Generator
i need the sphere generator to go up to 256, so that i can use just the top 1/4 levels to build the largest habitat dome i can in Mcraft. any chance of increasing your upper limit to accommodate me? :)