Plots Claim 5,4/10 2938 reviews

Commands and Permissions

/plot /plot – Shows the /plot commands. Claim – Resident command to personally claims a plot that are for sale. Auto – Resident command to personally claim an area of plots that are for sale, around the player typing the command. A mining claim is the claim of the right to extract minerals from a tract of public land. In the United States, the practice began with the California gold rush of 1849. In the absence of effective government, the miners in each new mining camp made up their own rules, and chose to essentially adopt Mexican mining law then in effect in California.


/plotme claimClaim the plot your standing on
/plotme claim <player>Claim the plot your standing on for a player
/plotme autoClaim the next free plot
/plotme home[:#]Brings you to your plot. :# if multiple plots.
/plotme home will take you to your first plot.
/plotme home:2 will take you to your second plot.
/plotme home[:#] <player>Brings you to a player's plot. :# if multiple plots.
/plotme home zachbora will take you to his first plot.
/plotme home:2 zachbora will take you to his second plot.
/plotme listLists your plots
/plotme list <player>Lists that player's plot
/plotme infoDisplays info on the plot your standing on (The plot ID, owner, biome, expiration date, finished, helpers).
/plotme comment <text>Leave a comment on the plot your currently standing on.
/plotme commentsShows the comments on the plot your currently standing on.
/plotme biomeShows the current biome.
/plotme biome <biome>Change the plot your currently standing on to a different biome.
/plotme biomelistList all possible biomes.
/plotme tp <id>Teleport to a plot.
/plotme idGets plot ID and coordinates.
/plotme clearClears the plot your currently standing on to its original state when it was claimed.
/plotme resetResets the plot your currently standing on to a empty plot and removes the owner.
/plotme add <player>Add permissions for the player to build on your plot that your currently standing on.
/plotme remove <player>Removes permissions for the player to build on your plot that your currently standing on.
/plotme setowner <player>Removes you as the plot owner and sets a new plot owner
/plotme move <id-from> <id-to>Exchanges both plots (Very experimental, will break torches and stuff).
/plotme weanywhereAllows to use WorldEdit outside plots that you own
/plotme reloadReloads the plugin. This is also the only command the server can execute.

Basic Permissions

There are 2 main permissions. You can either give those or give specific sub-permissions.

plotme.useGives the player all permissions listed below. Very basic commands that a player can have without harming the server.
plotme.adminGives the player admin privileges. These are permission nodes that you only want to give to HIGHLY trusted ranks such as administrators in your server. Add these nodes only if you know what they do!
plotme.limit.XReplace X by a number to limit the number of plots a user can claim/auto or by * for unlimited plots. If the user doesn't have permission, default is 1 plot. If the user has multiple permissions due to inheritance, highest number is kept

Advanced Permissions

Included with plotme.use
plotme.use.claim/plotme claim auto
plotme.use.home/plotme home[:#] info
plotme.use.comment/plotme comment
plotme.use.comments/plotme comments
plotme.use.biome/plotme biome
/plotme biome <biome>
/plotme biomelist
plotme.use.clear/plotme clear (Only applies to plots you own)
plotme.use.list/plotme list
Excluded from plotme.use
plotme.use.add/plotme add <player>(Only applies to plots you own)
plotme.use.remove/plotme remove <player>(Only applies to plots you own)
plotme.limit.XReplace X by a number to limit the number of plots a user can claim/auto or by * for unlimited plots. If the user doesn't have permission, default is 1 plot. If the user has multiple permissions due to inheritance, highest number is kept
Included with plotme.admin
plotme.admin.claim.other/plotme claim <player>
plotme.admin.home.other/plotme home[:#] <player> tp <id> id
plotme.admin.clear/plotme clear
plotme.admin.reset/plotme reset
plotme.admin.add/plotme add <player>
plotme.admin.remove/plotme remove <player>
plotme.admin.setowner/plotme setowner <player>
plotme.admin.move/plotme move <id-from> <id-to>
plotme.admin.weanywhere/plotme weanywhere
plotme.admin.list/plotme list <player>
plotme.admin.reload/plotme reload

Table of contents

  1. 1Commands and Permissions


Date created
Jun 12, 2012
Last updated
Jun 17, 2012
Claim at the South Yuba River

A land claim is defined as 'the pursuit of recognized territorial ownership by a group or individual'.[1] The phrase is usually only used with respect to disputed or unresolved land claims. Some types of land claims include aboriginal land claims, Antarctic land claims, and post-colonial land claims.

Land claims is sometimes used as a term when referring to disputed territories like Western Sahara or to refer to the claims of displaced persons.

In the colonial times of the United States American men could claim a piece of land for themselves and the claim has different level of merit according to the de facto conditions:

  1. claim without any action on the ground
  2. claim with (movable) property of the claimant on the ground
  3. claim with the claimant visiting the land
  4. claim with claimant living on the land.

Today, only small areas of unclaimed land remain, yet large plots of land with little economical value (e.g., in Alaska) can still be bought for very low prices. Also, in certain parts of the world, land can still be obtained by making productive use of it.

Mining claim (United States)[edit]

A mining claim is the claim of the right to extract minerals from a tract of public land. In the United States, the practice began with the California gold rush of 1849. In the absence of effective government, the miners in each new mining camp made up their own rules, and chose to essentially adopt Mexican mining law then in effect in California. The Mexican law gave the right to mine to the first one to discover the mineral deposit and begin mining it. The area that could be claimed by one person was limited to that which could be mined by a single individual or a small group.

The US system of mining claims is an application of the legal theory of prior appropriation, by which public property is granted to the first one to put it to beneficial use. Other applications of appropriation theory were the Homestead Act, which granted public land to farmers, and water rights in the west.

The California miners spread the concept of mining claims to other mining districts all over the western United States. The US Congress legalized the practice in 1866, and amended it in the Mining Act of 1872. All land in the public domain, that is, federal land whose use has not been restricted by the government to some specific purpose, was subject to being claimed. The mining law has been changed numerous times, but still retains some features similar to those settled on by the California 49ers.

The concept was also used in other countries, for example during the Australian gold rushes which occurred at a similar time starting from the 1850s, and included similar groups of people including miners that migrated from the American gold rushes. The Oriental Claims in Victoria are one example of this.

Staking a claim[edit]

Corner post of the claim of the Blue Ribbon Mine in Alaska

Staking a claim involves first the discovery of a valuable mineral in quantities that a 'prudent man' (the Prudent Man Rule) would invest time and expenses to recover. Next, marking the claim boundaries, typically with wooden posts or capped steel posts, which must be four feet tall, or stone cairns, which must be three feet tall. Finally, filing a claim with both the land management agency (USFS or BLM), and the local county registrar.

There are four main types of mining claims:

Plot Complex Numbers

  1. Placer (minerals free of the local bedrock, and deposited in benches or streams)
  2. Lode (minerals in place in the mother rock),
  3. Tunnel (a location for a proposed tunnel which claims all veins discovered during the driving of it)
  4. Millsite (a maximum five-acre site for processing ore)

A mining claim always starts out as an unpatented claim. The owner of an unpatented claim must continue mining or exploration activities on an unpatented claim, or he may pay a fee to the land management agency by September 1 of each year, or it is considered abandoned and becomes null. Activities on unpatented claims must be restricted to those necessary to mining. A patented claim is one for which the federal government has issued a patent (deed). To obtain a patent, the owner of a mining claim must prove to the federal government that the claim contains locatable minerals that can be extracted at a profit. A patented claim can be used for any purpose desired by the owner, just like any other real estate. However, Congress has ceased funding for the patenting process, so at this time a claim cannot be patented.[citation needed]

Claim jumping[edit]

Plot Scale Autocad

A dispute when one party (a 'claim jumper') attempts to seize the land on which another party has already made claim is known as 'claim jumping'.[2]

See also[edit]

  • Terra nullius (no man's land)


  1. ^'Land Claims'. Retrieved 31 March 2020.
  2. ^'Definition'. Retrieved Jan 21, 2019.
Minecraft realms claim plots
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